Friday |
Event |
Title |
4:00 PM |
Check in, set up for poster session |
5:00 PM |
Introductory remarks, Prof. Paul Kempler |
Updates from the Oregon Center for Electorchemistry |
5:15 PM |
Evening Lecture 1: Chris Capuano |
Industry Perspectives on Hydrogen Production |
5:45 PM |
Evening Lecture 2: Shannon Boettcher |
Alkaline Membrane Electrolyzers: Catalysts, Degradation Mechanisms, and Materials Engineering for Performance and Durability |
6:15 PM |
Dinner |
7:00 PM |
Poster session |
9:00 PM |
End |
Saturday |
Event |
8:30 AM |
Morning Check in |
9:00 AM |
Vijay Murugesan (PNNL) |
9:30 AM |
David Ji (Oregon State University) |
Anion-Hosting Electrodes for Batteries |
10:00 AM |
Virginia Klausmeier (Sylvatex) |
EV batteries: How to make the materials more efficiently and why we do this work |
10:30 AM |
Coffee Break |
11:00 AM |
Jesus Velazquez (UC Davis) |
Establishing Compositional Control in 2D and 3D Metal Sulfide Electrocatalysts to Drive CO2 and CO Conversion to Alcohols |
11:30 AM |
Mallory Miller (MLI) |
Electrodeposition for Semiconductors |
12:00 PM |
Matt Clark (Sila) |
Li-ion Conversion Chemistries to Power our Future |
12:15 PM |
Jiawei Huang (Brozek Lab, UO) |
Redox-Active Metal-Organic Frameworks |
12:30 PM |
Lunch |
1:30 PM |
Kwabena Bediako (UC Berkeley) |
New twists in electrochemistry with atomically thin materials |
2:00 PM |
Samantha Johnson (PNNL) |
2:30 PM |
Meikun Shen (UO) |
Nanoscale Measurement of Charge Transfer at Cocatalyst/Semiconductor Interface |
2:45 PM |
Break |
3:00 PM |
James Mitchell (Boettcher Lab, UO) |
Catalytic Proton-Hydroxide Recombination for Forward-Bias Bipolar Membranes |
3:15 PM |
Serafina Fortiner (Nel Hydrogen) |
Porous Transport Layers for PEM Water Electrolysis |
3:30 PM |
Gainer Phay (ESS Inc) |
Iron Redox Flow Batteries |
3:45 PM |
Mark Waldrup (Twelve) |
Catalyst Layer Design for CO2 Electrolysis |
4:00 PM |
Closing Remarks |