
We are located in the new Lewis Integrative Science Building on the University of Oregon Campus. Our facilities include state of the art laboratory space, including all equipment needed for materials and chemical synthesis and characterization. We maintain a large variety of equipment for electrochemical testing and operando experimentation, including a new electrochemical atomic force microscope capable of operando potential sensing and scanning electrochemical microscopy modes. Outside users are welcome to use our facilities via collaboration or via a recharge mechanism.

Our major materials fabrication and characterization equipment is located largely in the underground vibration-free and temperature controlled facility, the Center for Advanced Materials Characterization in Oregon (CAMCOR).

We maintain shared instruments for routine use by internal and external users.

We make routine use of our exceptional additive manufacturing and machining facilities for electrochemical device prototyping which are also available for external use.

Lewis Integrative Science Building

Image result for Lewis Integrative Science Building

Low vibration underground materials characterization facility, CAMCOR:

Image result for camcor oregon