The Oregon Center for Electrochemistry maintains a state of the art electrochemistry facility for use by academic, government, and industry partners.
Core equipment includes multichannel Biologic potentiostats (with fA to 10A current capability), rotating disk electrode workstation (Pine), electrolysis workstations, fuel cell workstations, an Ar-filled glove box for battery assembly, and Biologic and Neware battery cyclers.
Please contact Prof. Paul Kempler if you would like to use this equipment and laboratory.
We also make use of the exceptional shared materials characterization facilities in CAMCOR that are open to for use by all academics, industry, and national lab researchers globally.
The facility also maintains several small instruments:
Wyatt Mobius Dynamic Light Scattering and Zeta Potential Measurement Instrument.
“The finest, most versatile light scattering instrument for reliable electrophoretic mobility and size measurements of proteins, polymers, and all types of nanoparticles.”
Fees to use the Wyatt Mobius are:
internal UO users (no assistance): $36/h
external users (no assistance: $118/h
technician hourly rate: $60/h
training (1 h): $60
Bruker D2 Phaser Benchtop PXRD with position sensitive detector for fast analysis of crystalline power samples
internal UO users (no assistance): $35/h
external users (no assistance: $78/h
technician hourly rate: $60/h
training for independent use (1 h): $60
ASAP 2020plus gas absorption analyzer for the analysis of surface areas in porous materials
internal UO users (assisted): $100/sample
external (assisted: $300/sample
Custom Alkaline, Alkaline Membrane, Bipolar Membrane, and Acidic Membrane Electrolyzer and membrane-electrode assembly workstations.
Contact for access.