Our Center



Mission: We aim to educate the next generation of diverse leaders in electrochemical science and technology through a world-class program of fundamental and applied research, unique immersive electrochemical science and engineering coursework, and a network of industry, national laboratory, and academic partners.

Learn Electrochemistry!   Read about OCE

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Strategy: We create and nurture an ecosystem that combines university research and innovation with unique immersive educational programs at the BS, MS, and PhD levels developed by University of Oregon Faculty and Staff while collaborating with industry and national laboratory partners to provide training that launches student careers. Our research combines expertise in modeling and simulation, materials science, and advanced characterization with a foundation in fundamental electrochemistry and electrochemical device engineering.

What is Electrochemistry? Electrochemistry underlies many critical aspects of modern civilization and is the key to developing a sustainable, CO2-emission-free economy and mitigating climate change. Electrochemistry is the science that underlies the design and operation of the battery devices that power portable electronics, electric vehicles, and a future electric grid that operates with increasing amounts of intermittent input from renewable (wind, solar) sources. Electrochemical electrolysis devices convert electrical energy into renewable green hydrogen gas (a chemical fuel that can be burned like natural gas or used in the synthesis of sustainable chemicals, products, and fertilizers). Electrochemical fuel cells convert chemical fuels, like hydrogen gas, and oxygen back to electricity with high efficiency on demand. Fuel cells are critical to de-carbonizing long-distance transportation via cargo ships, trains, and trucking. Our research enables these technologies to be improved by enhancing efficiency, lowering capital cost, and increasing durability. Electrochemistry is also central to materials production and recycling, green organic synthesis, semiconductor device fabrication, corrosion prevention, interfacing biology with electronics for sensing and therapeutics, and understanding biological processes. Nearly all technologies depend on electrochemical processes in some form or another. A recent workshop hosted by the National Academies of Science that highlights the role of electrochemistry in these areas is recorded here: Advances, Challenges, and Long-Term Opportunities of Electrochemistry: Addressing Societal Needs. A Chemical Sciences Roundtable Workshop

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Oregon Center for Electrochemistry strives to create an inclusive, respectful environment to support a diverse community of students, staff, and faculty. Diversity and inclusion are core values that guide our decisions and policies. We welcome and encourage talented individuals of all racial, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and all sexual orientations, gender identities, and disabilities to join us here in Eugene in our pursuit of advancing electrochemical science and technology.

M.S. Internship Program

Launch your career. Help change the world.

Apply Now: Application for Fall 2025 (Class of 2026) 

Electrochemistry underlies technologies critical to avert the worst effects of climate change. Get the knowledge and training needed to help address the world’s biggest challenges! Chemistry, physics, engineering are all appropriate backgrounds – each brings unique, complementary skill sets.

Requirements: Passion for team-driven science and technology development in the area of applied electrochemistry. BS/BA in Chemistry/Biochemistry, Physics, Engineering, or related discipline (other majors, such as computer science or mathematics, could be appropriate, please discuss special situations with our team).  Good academic record (please discuss with us for specifics, we look at your entire record, not just GPA). Research experience beneficial, but not required. GRE scores are not required.

International Students: We are happy to work with international students to help them find internships and launch careers in the US or globally as part of this program.  There are also opportunities for students to perform internships in academic research environments, complemented with additional graduate-level chemistry/materials-science coursework. The tuition for international students is the same as for domestic students and is listed below.

Background. The University of Oregon pioneered the development of internship-based MS programs starting in 1998.  The goal of these programs is to provide real-world knowledge, skills, and experience that allows students to excel landing position, launching their professional career and working in industrial research laboratories. In Fall 2020, the Oregon Center for Electrochemistry launched an MS internship program in Electrochemical Technology. Other existing internship-based MS programs include those housed in the Knight Campus (semiconductors, optics, polymers, bioinformatics and sensors) and the Center for Advanced Materials Characterization in Oregon (advanced materials characterization and analysis). All these programs have exceptionally high rates of internship and job placement.

Program Overview:  The core program consists of 6-months of accelerated coursework (including foundational theory, and team-based applied laboratory work, click on the links in the table below for syllabi) and professional development (leadership, project management, interview skills, team integration) coupled with a 9-month paid internship in industry or national laboratory. The internship placements can be anywhere in the world, although we currently focusing on US-based partners. Information on industry and national laboratory partners is here with internship host expectations here.

The goal is for students to leave the 15-month program with minimal to no debt from their MS studies, an exciting job, and the foundation for a successful long-term career. Students who complete the MS program can also earn their PhD on an accelerated timeline either on the UO campus or at an industry or national laboratory partner, depending on career goals, with all the MS coursework satisfying the PhD coursework requirements in Chemistry.

Need: Science and engineering undergraduates receive essentially no training in electrochemical science and technology despite its critical importance in clean-energy conversion/storage technologies, semiconductor-device fabrication, bio-electronics interfaces,  and materials/chemical production.  The prevention of corrosion relies on controlling electrochemical processes. Electroplating is used broadly in industries to conformally coat objects and to purify/isolate metals. Battery, super-capacitor, electrolysis, and fuel cell energy storage/conversion technologies all rely on electrochemical science and engineering. Electrochemical sensors are routinely used in biomedical applications, with the most prominent example being the glucose sensor used by diabetics. Electrochemistry is increasingly being applied in organic synthesis in an effort to eliminate the use of highly reactive, dangerous, and expensive reagents. Electrochemical devices are used to measure and probe signals in neuroscience. There is need in established industries for competent scientists and engineers in the area of electrochemical technology – in fact DOE has recently recognized the need for workforce development specifically in this area as part of Energy Storage Grand Challenge.

Students: The Oregon Center for Electrochemistry’s masters-level internship program attracts chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering students and provide nationally unique training including rigorous foundational electrochemical theory, team- and inquiry-based laboratory work, numerical simulation and engineering of electrochemical systems, and experience tackling industry-sponsored, team research projects. Concepts in data analysis and statistical design of experiments (e.g. MatLab, Python, JMP) are incorporated throughout the coursework. Electrochemical content is coupled with professional and communication skills development, as well as elective coursework focused on target career areas (materials science, bio-medicine, energy, etc.).  After 6 months of accelerated immersion coursework and a 9 month industry internship, graduates are ideal “T-shaped” employees that can tackle complex challenges facing engineered electrochemical systems using rigorous experiments, efficient data analytics, and computer models, while optimally working in team environments. Such graduates provide substantial value to industry as employees compared to the existing candidates who generally have little or incomplete training in electrochemical science and are often not adept at using modern experimental design, data analytics and computation tools.

Map of Students and Industry Partners

6-month Coursework Track

Total required credits: 55

Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall
Advanced Electrochemistry (4 cr.)Electrochemistry Laboratory (2 cr.)

Electrochemical Simulations (2 cr.)

Elective Graduate Level Course in Chemistry, Physics, or Biology. (4 cr.)

Professional Development (1 cr.)

Electrochemical Engineering (4 cr.)Electrochemical Device Laboratory (4 cr.)

Electrochemical Projects Laboratory(4 cr.)


Elective Graduate Level Course in Chemistry, Physics, or Biology. (4 cr.)

Paid Internship (10 cr.)Internship report.

Site or video conference visit.


Paid Internship (10 cr.)Internship report.

Site or video conference visit.


Paid Internship (10 cr.)Internship report.

Site or video conference visit.


9-month Coursework Track (click links for sample content)

Total required credits: 55

Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall Winter
Advanced Electrochemistry (4 cr.)Electrochemistry Laboratory (2 cr.)

Electrochemical Simulations (2 cr.)

Professional Development (1 cr.)

Electrochemical Engineering (4 cr.)Electrochemical Device Laboratory (4 cr.)

Independent research in electrochemistry (1 cr.)

Electrochemical Projects Laboratory(4 cr.)Elective Graduate Level Course in Chemistry, Physics, or Biology. (4 cr.)

Independent research in electrochemistry (1 cr.)

Paid Internship (10 cr.)Internship report.

Site or video conference visit.


Paid Internship (9 cr.)Internship report.

Site or video conference visit.


Paid Internship (9 cr.)Internship report.

Site or video conference visit.


Course Descriptions

  • Fall Term. Advanced electrochemistry (CH554, 4 credits).  The course covers the fundamentals of electrochemistry and uses the classic text of Bard and Faulkner. Electrochemistry is a field of science that describes the interrelation of chemical and electrical effects. Much of the field deals with describing how chemical changes are caused by the passage of electrical current or how the production of electrical current can be caused by chemical reactions. Electrochemists rely on a foundational understanding of thermodynamics, electron transfer kinetics, and mass transport phenomena – each of which are treated in this course in the context of understanding electrochemical phenomena. The theoretical aspects of impedance analysis, corrosion, and electroplating will also be introduced and electrochemical simulation is used to explore advanced systems. Feedback from industry partners drive curriculum changes.
  • Fall Term. Analytical Electrochemistry Laboratory (CH691, 2 credits). This course focuses on typical three-electrode electrochemical experiments and laboratory techniques that form the basis for analytical electrochemistry and for building the basic electrochemistry knowledge and intuition with respect to thermodynamics, kinetics, and mass transport. Laboratory modules focus on voltammetry, electrochemical synthesis via bulk electrolysis, electrodeposition, corrosion analysis, and impedance analysis. Feedback from industry partners drives curriculum changes. Concepts in statistical experimental design, data collection, and data analysis are emphasized using common libraries in Python (Matplotlib, Pandas, NumPy).
  • Fall Term. Numerical Simulations in Electrochemistry (CH690, 2 credits). Modern finite element simulation software is widely used in engineering to predict system performance/properties. Students will use industry-standard software, COMSOL, to simulate basic electrochemical cells and devices. This will provide students a technical advantage in the workforce.
  • Winter Term. Electrochemical Device Engineering (CH692, 4 credits). This course examines the operational and engineering principles of electrochemical energy storage devices (batteries and capacitors), energy conversion devices (fuel cells, electrolyzers), corrosion, electrodeposition, and electrochemical sensors. The emphasis is on materials and device design based on fundamental chemistry and physics concepts that govern the properties and performance of the materials/devices involved. Specific systems of study will include electrode and electrolyte materials for primary (non-rechargeable) and secondary (rechargeable) batteries including lithium-ion batteries, electrochemical capacitors, proton exchange membrane fuel cells, solid oxide fuel cells, alloy electrocatalysts, mixed ionic-electric conductors, and biosensor development. Feedback from industry partners drives curriculum changes.
  • Winter Term. Electrochemical Device Laboratory (CH693, 4 credits). Students work in teams to build a battery, balanced battery pack, electrolyzer, fuel cell, and biosensor device and test their performance and response compared to theory and modeling, applying experimental design and statistical analysis methods. Feedback industry partners drive curriculum changes.
  • Winter Term. Applied Electrochemistry Projects (CH694, 4 credits). This course requires students to work in teams and solve open-ended research and development projects in electrochemistry. The research and development projects for the course come from industry partners and academic research laboratories. The output will be a formal report to the industry sponsor or academic publication coauthored by the students. Students have extensive access to state of the art materials fabrication and characterization equipment (http://camcor.uoregon.edu/) in addition to modern electrochemical instrumentation.

Either program of study also must comply with the policies set forth by the Division of Graduate Studies regarding Master’s Degrees and Enrollment and Residency  and general Master’s Degree requirements.

Electrochemistry Video Lectures

LiSA 101: a condensed course in electrochemical thermodynamics, potentials, and the double layer given to participants in the DOE Liquid Sunlight Alliance

Slides: Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Potentials – LiSA 101 Boettcher

Lecture 1 Video (35 minutes) introduction to potentials in electrochemistry and electrochemical thermodynamics

Lecture 2 Video (45 minutes) Examples of applications of electrochemical thermodynamics

Lecture 3 Video (35 minutes) Double Layer Structure

Advanced Electrochemistry  (Boettcher/Lonergan some duplicate lecture topics) Follows Bard and Faulkner, 2nd Ed. with some additions

(please consider purchasing this book for use alongside these lectures to support the writing of valuable electrochemistry texts)

Projects and Homework (in editable format, please adapt and use with citation to original source)

Lecture 1: What is Electrochemistry? Introduction and applications 

Lecture 2: Introduction to electrochemical thermodynamics, kinetics, and transport

Lecture 3: Two- versus three-electrode cells

Review Lecture: Electrostatics, charge, fields and potentials

Lecture 4: Op Amps and Basic Potentiostat and Galvanostat Circuits

Lecture 5: Faradaic and Non-Faradaic Currents

Lecture 6: Mass Transport Limited Voltammetry

Lecture 7: Electrochemical Thermodynamics (Boettcher)

Lecture 8: Electrochemical Potentials (Boettcher)

Lecture 7a: Electrochemical Thermodynamics Introduction (Lonergan, live) alternative

Lecture 8a: Electrochemical Thermodynamics: Cell Potentials and Reduction Potentials (Lonergan, live) alternative

Lecture 9a: Electrochemical Thermodynamics: Chemical and Electrochemical Potential (Lonergan, live) alternative

Key reading: Potentially Confusing: Potentials in Electrochemistry (see LiSA 101 videos above)

Lecture 10: Electrochemical potentials across interfaces and in cells (Lonergan, live)

Lecture 11: Pourbaix Diagrams and Reactions (Boettcher, live)

Bonus : How to use Hydra and Medusa to calculate Pourbaix and speciation diagrams

Lecture 12: Introduction to Electrochemical Kinetics

Lecture 13: Derivation of the Butler-Volmer Equation

Lecture 14: Exchange current and the current-overpotential equation

Lecture 15: Approximate forms of the current-overpotential equation and Tafel behavior

Lecture 16: Multistep Electron Transfer Kinetics and Rate Determining Steps

Lecture 17: Introduction to Marcus Theory

Lecture 18: Mass Transfer by Migration and Diffusion

Lecture 19: Mass Transfer by Migration and Diffusion part 2

Lecture 18-19b: Transport (Lonergan, Live) alternative

Lecture 20: Potential Step Experiments and the Cottrell Equation

Lecture 21: Potential Sweep Methods

Lecture 22: Chemical Reaction Mechanisms from Voltammetry and Rotating Disk Voltammetry 

Lecture 23: Introduction to AC Impedance Analysis I

Electrochemical Engineering: Follows Fuller and Harb, 1st Ed. , with some additions

(please consider purchasing this book for use alongside these lectures to support the writing of valuable electrochemistry texts)

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 1 Porous Electrode Theory

Lecture 1 – in class work

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 2 Porous Electrode Theory – Three Phase Electrodes

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 3 Porous Electrodes with Flow

Lecture 2 and 3 in class work

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 4 Battery Fundamentals: Introduction

Lecture 4 in class work

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 5 Capacity and Cell Characteristics

Lecture 5 in class work

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 6 Batteries – Efficiency, Self Discharge, and Cycle Life

Lecture 6 in class work

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 7  Fuel Cell Fundamentals

Lecture 7 in class work

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 8  Fuel Cell Electrodes

Lecture 8 in class work

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 9  Electrodeposition Basics, Nucleation, and Growth

Lecture 9 in class work

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 10 Current Distributions

Lecture 10 in class work

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 11 Industrial Electrochemistry (flow batteries, chlor alkali, electrowinning, electrolysis)

In class work W7D1 – industrial electrochemistry

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 12 – Corrosion Part 1

CH 692 in class w7d2

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 13 Corrosion Part II

CH 692 In class work w8d1 – corrosion

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 14 Battery Packs Part I

Ch 692 In class work w9d1 battery packs

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 15 Battery Cells and Packs II

CH692 in class w9d2

Electrochemical Engineering Lecture 16 Fuel Cell Stacks and Systems

CH692 in class w10d1